Category: Security

Just another blog for geeks

How to add more log storage to Check Point R80.* Management System on VMware

Today we will add some extra disk to our Check Point Management System because we need more space for logs 1) Add additional disk and reboot vm 2) Login to vm and perform “cpstop” command [Expert@CPMS:0]# cpstop 3) Check if our new disk is available [Expert@CPMS:0]# fdisk -l 4) Initialize physical volume – pvcreate [Expert@CPMS:0]#…
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January 19, 2022 0

Install and deploy Bitwarden on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Today we will install Bitwarden server on-premise on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as a KeePassXC alternative What is Bitwarden? Prerequisites: VM with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (2xCPU, 4GB RAM, 50GB HDD) Docker Engine Docker Compose Bitwarden Task: Install Docker Engine Install Docker Compose Create bitwarden user and directory Install Bitwarden Install Docker Engine 1. Update and Install…
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November 18, 2021 0